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Monday, September 7, 2015

In My Studio: Using Etsy Local

I have recently discovered the new Etsy Local feature on the website and Etsy App.
Its a great way for both sellers and buyers to connect at events and stores in and around your local area. Or to discover great events happening when you are travelling to new places.

For Buyers

Go to www.etsy.com/local or on the Etsy App click the local option at the top of the page.
Look at the map for the locations that your local Etsy sellers will be exhibiting at including events, pop up shops, markets, fairs and bricks and mortar stores.
You can easily scroll through the events and when you click on one it will give you all sorts of information about the event including which Etsy sellers will be there, hours and location and related websites.

When  using the app on an iphone or ipad the Etsy App will use your location as a basis for which to compile a list of events. If you want to look for events further afield you can type in your location at the top of the page at www.etsy.com/local.

For Sellers

This is a great way to get exposure for any events your are participating in.
When you have been accepted at an event you can add your Etsy shop to any of the events listed.

Click on the event and then click the blue 'I'm Participating' button. It will give you the option of writing a sentence on what visitors can expect to see at your booth.  It is also possible to add your own event if you are organizing a trunk show, pop up market or to advertise your brick and mortar store.

Once you have added your shop to an event it will say Upcoming Markets on the side bar of your Etsy shop page (right under your review stars and sales number). When visitors click on this it will give them the events you are doing like this:
See you out and about soon!
Good Luck and Good Making

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