About The Team

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Getting Ready For Show Season

Show Season is fast approaching and is already here for some. I usually don't do any before June and since June is almost here I am reviewing my show "necessities" the items that come with me to each and every show, the items that never change throughout the season. One of my most important items is... THE BOX.
It is a pretty little thing that I purchased at a Michaels Store on sale of course.
This holds all of my most important items to run my craft fair business. The items are always packed and when they run out are quickly replenished.
My Square reader really gets a workout! I have yet to try the Etsy reader but it's there just in case.
I have some office supplies, a small stapler and extra staples, a roll of sticky tags, small scissors, calculator, small notebook.
Advil, one for my knees and one to share.
Receipt books, business cards, lots of pens and sharpies.
 VERY important.... Tax ID Number and Breath Mints!
Everything fits neatly into this box.
And we are ready to go.
What items are your necessities?
Any good suggestions to add?
Have a great show season!

Susan DiGilio

1 comment:

  1. Great article. I have a box as well, but mine is not as pretty as yours.
