About The Team

Thursday, April 9, 2015

In My Studio: Hudson Valley Etsy's NEW Instagram Account

The Hudson Valley Etsy now on Instagram

Hudson Valley Etsy has recently started our own Instagram account. If you are a newbie to the whole Instagram revolution as I am, I hope this blog post will introduce the basics, inspire you to start your own account and encourage you to follow all the team currently on Instagram.
To start with Instagram is an online photo and video sharing network. It is a wonderful and fun way for small craft businesses to post pictures of their products, life, studios and inspiration in a quick and easy way. Photos can be manipulated within the app to give them some extra ummph so don't worry if your photo taking skills are questionable- in Instagram you can turn them into works of art within seconds.

Getting Started
  1. To get started you will need an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or an Android handset. Go to the app store and download the free app to your device.
  2. Choose a recognizable username, if you are starting the account for your small craft business in the interest of continuity choose a name consistent with your business name and Etsy shop name so that people can find you easily.
  3. Update your profile with a short and snappy introduction to your business and include your website address or your Etsy shop address, this is so when potential customers see a photo of a product you post they can click this link to then purchase it from you.
  4. Profile Page for the Hudson Valley Etsy 
  5. Add a profile photo; a personal photo of you or a logo for your shop.
  6. Link to your Facebook page or Twitter feed to enable you to post to both mediums with just one click
  7. Start posting!
'Following' means the posts that you will see in your home page (the house icon at the bottom of the screen). In order to follow someone you can use the search feature (the magnifying glass icon) and type in businesses you admire, shops you like, fellow makers and friends to click and follow them.

A great start is to follow Hudson Valley Etsy @hudsonvalleyetsy
and members of the team who are on Instagram currently:
Elena Rosenburg is  @elena_knitsandbits
Pulp Sushi is @pulpsushi
The Pudgy Rabbit is @thepudgyrabbit
Quarter Life Luck is @quarterlifeluck
So Handmade is @sohandmade1
Hudson Naturals is @4crispycorncakes
Melissa Anna Designs is @madcat03
Cynla is @cynlastudio
Twisted Thread and Hook is @twistedtah
Beyond the Picket Fence is @beyondthepicketfence
Lollypups is @lollypupspetwear
Hesters Studio is @hesterkeith79
Charms of Faith is @Jackie_charmsoffaith
Karmabee is @karmabeekaren
'Followers' are fellow Instagram users who wish to follow you. Sometimes it can be slow to start getting followers but the more posts you put up the more exposure you will get and people will start to follow you. Make sure to tell people on Facebook, Twitter etc that you are now on Instagram and your username. Like and comment on lots of posts as this will get you more followers.
When you post a photo one way for people to find you and your products is to add hashtags to the bottom of your comments. When people are searching for a particular thing they can search for a product that way or search for a team. For example members of Hudson Valley Etsy have been asked to add these hashtags to their posts:

Hashtags to add to your photos
If you post a photo of a product you made for example a card you can add many different hashtags such as these below to get your product found:

Good luck and Good making

Sarah Omura

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