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Monday, February 10, 2014

Inspirations for 2014, the computer saved the radio!

With the New Year comes an evaluation of the last year, followed by plans to improve the upcoming year.  Lately I have been improving my outlook on the world through many different outlets on the internet.  Many of them have been very inspiring for me to plan my year and take a new look on how I go through my life.

As a busy business owner and mother, it’s hard for me to go to lectures and workshops.  Lucky for me in today’s savvy media world, I can put on my headphones and take a class, listen to a lecture or have a discussion in a topic of my interest.   Radio shows about human struggles and accomplishments can inspire you in your everyday.  Now with streaming, I can listen  to most radio programs on my schedule.  I listen to my favorite programs or podcasts while working in my workshop.  Two I enjoy often are Hidden Kitchens and This American Life.  Don't miss King's Candy: A New Orleans Kitchen Vision.

Ted Talks offers diverse subjects and many inspirational speakers. 
Jarret J. Krosocczka offers his amazing journey from kid to an artist here.
Amy Cuddy’s Ted Talk about body language ends with a personal story at the end that is so inspiring. 

When I want to learn something new and want more then a how to book, I have been turning to online courses. Craftsy has been great. Classes I can watch or rewatch, paced on my own time.  They also offer free courses to get you hooked.

A new site I found is Skillshare.  They have designed their learning experience to be a project.  There are videos followed by assignments that apply to how you want to use the skill they are sharing.  I promised myself that I would become better organized so I needed a system to get all the to dos out of my head so I could be less stressed and get the important things done to achieve my goals.  I got myself set up with a system with Tiago Forte’s Get Stuff Done Like A Boss:Design your Workflow and double your productivity in 21 days.  

His story with mistakes and successes in business is useful beyond just making apparel.

A friend has started Creative Life Coaching, Karmen Lizzul where she does radio broadcasts with people about creativity.  One broadcast was  with Erin Cochran of Revealing design.  If you have ever found your workspace has gotten a little out of hand this is the lady to listen to.  She has some great ideas and revelations on how to create a space that lets you enjoy and focus on what you do.  

I've got my space cleaned out, my goals set, my inspirations and mentors playing in my ears.  2014 is going to rock!

Karen - LarkPractial

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