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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Vacation Travel: Cape Chignecto, Nova Scotia

 Cape Chignecto, Nova Scotia

I can't say that Nova Scotia was high on my list of places I knew much about or wanted to see.  However my son is very active in junior sailing and a class championship was scheduled near Halifax in July this year and we decided to go.  I researched the internet for information about things to do and see in the time we had, and one of the first things I discovered was that Nova Scotia is actually really large.  You could easily spend a week exploring all sides of this Canadian Province, and the landscape is so beautifully varied, the people so pleasant, the food so good, the summer weather that mixture of sun and 75 degrees that everyone seeks, that I marvel it isn't a more well known vacation destination.  As one local explained to me, it's at much the same latitude as Massachusetts.  So it's like Cape Cod, only without the the hordes of tourists and a much more dramatic landscape, combining rocky Maine beaches, rolling hills of farm country, bright orange cliffsides, and always the shining sea near by, whether you go north, south, east or west. 

We wanted to experience something about the famous Bay of Fundy and it's amazing tides. After a 14 hour drive, that took us to Advocate Harbor, where we could see fishing boats sitting on their bottoms with the tide out, and Nova Shores Kayak tours.  The tour took us out to the Three Sisters rock formations, where, among the rocky beaches, we had a lovely vegetarian lunch made from local suppliers.  We explored the caves and crevices created by the sea, and got more paddling exercise than this middle aged mom ever expected.  It was great!

On our way back, we discovered that many crafty Nova Scotians create shops, displays, and even art galleries in their homes, so they can sell their art and handmade wares to visitors.  This craftsperson made replicas of the historic nearby lighthouse.  How could I be a member of Etsy and not stop by?

We arrived too late to visit this sailing museum in the Chignecto Peninsula, but couldn't resist getting a picture of their buildings.

One of which was shaped like a upside down hull, or at least half of it.

Velociraptor Crossings in Canada?  My son was so pleased by this that he made me stop the car for a picture.  The Fundy tides expose dinosaur bones, and there was a museum in the area for the fans of giant or vicious reptiles of eons past.  Bright red cliffs made for equally red dirt everywhere on the peninsula.

Our final destination was St. Margaret's Bay Sailing Club, a beautiful vacation area about 20 minutes to the southwest of Halifax.

Dropping off my son to rig and practice in his boat at the sailing area, I made off to a little sandwich shop recommended by the locals.  It had homemade baked goods and local produce. 

Then, going outside to eat my lobster roll, I was treated to this gorgeous waterside view.  Heavenly!

 Jody - www.astudiobythesea.etsy.com

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