About The Team

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2012 New Year's Resolutions with HVNY

2011 was a great year for us and we took some pretty big steps to getting out name out there.  We had more events as a team, participated in more markets, had a team tent at HudsonFest, and a Pop-Up store which has been hugely successful!  We can't wait to see what 2012 will have in store for us.  We continue to grow as a group and as small businesses, here are some of our wishes for the upcoming year....

I hope in 2012 I can take Pulp Sushi on the road and do a craft show out of state. And also get my jewelry into more stores too. :) - Marilyn from Pulp Sushi

I hope in 2012 I can get my work into more galleries, become organized and find more shops to carry my kids' monsters.  - Jess from Knot By Gran'ma

In 2012, i hope to find some time to get back to FUN art stuff... not just HAVE TO stuff. And I want to write/record a rock album.  - Chris from Remaining Nameless

Hope in 2012 I can produce enough pots for a really big shows.  - Lynn from New Prospect Pottery

This upcoming year I'm going to work on increasing my online presence and sales, find more stores to carry my line(s), and focus on finding (and getting in to!) better shows. - Judy from JSWMetalworks

My goal is the same as last year (haha that's not a good thing!): to put together a print catalogue and update my website so I can start approaching shops.   I have a second goal for the second part of the year: develop a professional social media presence in whatever seems most natural and comfortable (Facebook, blog, twitter?) - Amy from Sweet Olive Jewelry

In 2012, I would like to expand my line with unisex items, items for men, and items that will be marketable for year-round use. I am experimenting with non-traditional fibers for these projects. I will continue to participate in higher-end shows that have proven track records, try to bump-up my online sales and perhaps seek out stores to carry my items as well. Oh, and losing 10 more pounds doing Zumba would be nice as well. - Kathyrn from Huzzah Handmade

I am going to focus on creating items that i actually enjoy knitting (dolls etc) keep spinning, and refocus on soap, since that seems to be where I have the most demand. Michele from The Knit Chix & LuLu's Soap Co

I think I'll commit to not over commiting! - Becky from Gemini River Rocks

No more dinky shows! :) More items, more items, more items. Pushing 'Our Table' to the next level (Lynn....no laughing.....it's a process and I know we (I) haven't even come close to 'a' level. roflol). More organization on the inventory side...oh.....and the tax side too. Applefest, Bethel Woods, Woodstock New Paltz Craft Fair.........maybe another pop up (woo hoo!). Design design design. :) - Shannon from Sunrise Lodge Fiber Studio

More bead weaving - this is what I really love to do. List, list, list! On Etsy & my own website. Better record keeping - I keep everything, but I let months & months build up in folders before entering my sales & expenses, until it's a huge ordeal to catch up!  - Debi from Tink's Treasure

Some of my goals for next year include: Doing my first craft fair.  Hosting an Open House at Mother's Day and Christmas. Submitting more designs to magazines and blogs. Getting more organized. Being kinder to myself. List items more often. Attend Bead Fest. Take at least 1 jewelry related class. Schedule time to create so it doesn't get tossed to the side when I get busy with family and salon obligations. - Shannon from For My Sweet Daughter

A big one for me is determining the best advertising & online marketing strategies for the store! - Karen from Karmabee


  1. Ok, it's official - my 2012 goals are posted on this blog & made public. I hope that helps me hold to them better then I did in 2011. Go Tink's!!!

  2. Thanks Marilyn for making our resolutions 'public'. It will certainly be interesting to look back on them a year from now. Happy New Year HVNY Etsy Team!

  3. Woohoo! A nice little kick in the toosh never hurt anyone. :) 2012 is gonna be a great year!

  4. Looks great, Marilyn! And there's nothing better than having a group behind you to hold you accountable!
