About The Team

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mobile Boutiques

Have you seen the commercial for TJ Maxx (or is it Marshalls?) of the woman pulling up in an RV truck and dragging random women inside (because they're spending too much on shopping or something), only to find that the inside of the truck is decked out like a chic clothing boutique? This isn't far from reality folks. I have been hearing more about the mobile boutique trend that I had to share it here in case you are new to it too. Who knows, we may start seeing them pop-up at local craft shows in the Valley, why not? Our roads are mobile friendly (just stay off the Taconic!).

What a cute alternative to pitching a tent and worry about not getting blown away.  Would you like to see a Husdon Valley Etsy truck roll in to your market? :)

From top to bottom: Oh So Lovely Vintage, Wanderlust, Monikapolitan


  1. I think about this often... and would LOVE to have it be a reality one day.

  2. What an AWESOME space. Very inspiring. :~)

  3. Potters have been doing this for a while!

    There is the ARTSTREAM, an air stream trailer
    that was reworked by some potters in Colorado;
    it goes to the annual clay educator's conference,
    although the two founders now have a brick & mortar gallery.

    There is also a couple in Vermont who use one
    as their personal pottery gallery, but I don't think they travel.

  4. Love all of them! I could stand to have one as a permanent studio/traveling event van!

  5. Love the pictures! Check out findafashiontruck.com to see more mobile boutiques that have popped up since 2011. Also, love the pottery featured in your latest post.
