About The Team

Monday, August 22, 2011

Back To School - Not just for kids!

So there have been Back To School sales since JULY but usually the items on sale are always focused on the kids. That's great, but it's not just back to school for them, the teachers gotta get some love too! Here are some gift ideas for the teacher(s) in your life.

A pretty Merino Wool Shawl from TickledPinkKnits will work when the Air Conditioner is still cranking in the classroom in early December.

Show your new students how cool and hip you are with a Mod Dot Tote Bag from H & J Star Creations

Don't let the name fool you, a shot of Working Woman's Salt Scrub from Beyond The Picket Fence at the end of the day would be welcome in any bath - I'm sure the fellas wanna soak in the tub too every once in a while.

And speaking of the guys, I didn't forget about you either.  A nice wool hat from BeaconKnits will keep your head warm as you treck to school on what should be a Snow Day but your school decides to stay open (oh no!)

As always, you can find more great gift ideas from members of the group on Etsy by using the search tag "hvny team"

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