About The Team

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Have You Seen This?

I work with my hands.  I mean, I really work hard with my hands.  I used harsh glues, concrete, I cut ceramics and glass and I use paint and stains.  When I clean my hands I have to scrub and often have to use substances that anyone would rather not use.  So after all that torture there is nothing like climbing into something lush, rich and creamy.  A natural and handmade cream for Working Woman Hands.  Beyond The Picket Fence has natural, artisinal products for bath and body made with quality ingredients.

Beyond The Picket Fence has a process video on it's Etsy site featuring owner, Gwen Neucall that is a joy to watch.  "Process video" doesn't necessarilary sound entertaining but Gwen has a way about her that is sweet and gentle, her voice is lovely and what she does is really interesting.  Her bookish approach to her craft gives a deeper feel to what she is making and by the time you finish watching, you just want to buy everything she makes.  You can just tell her products will love your body!


  1. Great piece Neely!

  2. Love Working Woman. Just discovered it at the Beacon Show and boy, it is the ONLY thing that works on my hands.....

  3. I have Gwen's face cream and it is lovely!
