About The Team

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Have You Seen This?

I am an obsessive recycler.  Well, yeah.  Duh.  My work is all about recycling.  But that aside, I recycle everything I possibly can and the plastic bags - well the amount of plastic bags in this world could cause me to stroke out if I thought about it too much.  I carry my own little fabric bags and exhasperate every cashier I visit from the office supply store to clothing purchases.  That is why I LOVE this item!  BZBDesigns has taken plastic shopping bags and recycled them into fabulous little bags.  With zippers!  They're perfect for make-up, maybe some pencils and drawing materials, coupons or toss your money, keys and cell phone in and travel lite for the day.  I'm into transformation particulary where "stuff" is concerned.  My favorite thing about the DIY movement is the call to imagination to make one thing out of another.  BZBDesigns does this in spades.  Check out all the variations on this theme that she has available!

1 comment:

  1. Ya gotta love the tote/market bag made out of plastic grocery bags. That's my fave. Very clever stuff made at BZBDesigns.
