About The Team

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Have You Seen This?

I think I have said this before in this little column - I love fall.  I love everything about it (well, maybe not the hay fever).  I love the cooling of the air, I love the light as the sun sinks lower in the sky, I love the slowing down of nature and more than anything, I love the colors.  I am a color person thru and thru.  While so many people are trying to neutralize colors in their lives ("I'm afraid of color", "I can't pull that off", "I couldn't live with that all the time") I am always looking for the most emotional colors I can.  Yes, I said emotional.  What visual stimulus is more emotional than color?  The colors that mark the seasons, for one, evoke a myriad of emotions.  Let's get emotional an take a look at this.

You feel that first snap of cold in the air and what do you want to do?  Grab your favorite sweater, scarf, shawl.  Some of us want to get out the ole' needles and make something new.  Well check this shop out.  I can't even single out one item because KnitChix spins their own yarns out of natural fibers and comes up with color and texture combos that take my breath away.  I want that one.  No, I want this one.  And cool names:  Acid Tongue, Marmalade Sky, Ring of Fire.  The visual is as exciting as the name.  Michelle and her baby chick spin and knit up in their Catskills home and what they see is what you get and it is emotional and exciting and you gotta get some!

Links:  http://www.etsy.com/listing/81003506/hand-spun-merino-and-soy-silk-two-ply


  1. These really do make you want to take up knitting!

  2. These really do make you want to take up knitting!

  3. Love the colors and names! Great article... now to get my knitting needles clicking.

  4. Beautiful soft colors & amazing knitting by the Chix!
